Chère amie,

Si tu peux le trouver (je l’ai vu sur Netflix), essaie de regarder ce documentaire brillant et très intelligent, captivant >

"Inégalité Pour Tous"

« Ancien secrétaire au Travail sous la présidence de Bill Clinton et actuel professeur à l’université Berkeley, Robert Reich soutient avec ferveur depuis toujours que l’accroissement des inégalités salariales constitue l’une des menaces les plus graves pour l’économie et la démocratie. Analysant les origines de cette situation et ses conséquences à court terme, il pointe également les nombreux défis à relever avec cette facilité déconcertante qui lui est propre : celle de rendre accessible à tous des principes d’une grande complexité.

Pourquoi et comment l’accroissement insensé des revenus d’une infime minorité des plus riches, conjugué avec la fragilisation des classes moyennes, constitue la plus grande menace pour l’économie et la démocratie ? Certes, la leçon d’économie que développe ici Robert Reich n’est pas des plus réjouissantes pour qui ne verrait dans l’organisation de nos sociétés que beauté et justice. Mais paradoxalement, en expliquant pourquoi cette hausse des inégalités salariales aux Etats-Unis représente un vrai fléau pour le pays, Robert Reich apporte une forme de réconfort et d’élan à ceux qui, comme lui, pensent que le fonctionnement actuel de l’économie est de plus en plus bancal. » © texte de Mr Mondialisation

Sinon, il y a aussi ces deux films en anglais qui sont bien paraît-il, mais que je n’ai pas réussi à suivre sans les sous-titres ; ce qui ne te posera pas de problème, tu me raconteras >

1/ In this hard-hitting documentary about the perils and promises of globalization, Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz takes a tour of the world showing us how it can be made to work. Interviews with the president of Ecuador, African tribesmen, South American oil workers, angry farmers in India and the former president of Botswana reveal some of the paradoxes of our day--that while globalization is helping some countries, it has proved a disaster for others.

Beginning in his hometown of Gary, Indiana--where Inland Steel was sold to an Indian conglomerate, Stiglitz points out the supreme irony: that Mayor Rudy Clay, is now traveling to China in the hope that Chinese businessmen will invest in the devastated city and create jobs for his citizens who have lost theirs as the US steel mills were undercut by cheaper prices in Korea.

As we travel the globe, Stiglitz explains that globalization is not only a story of environmental disaster and pressure on wages and working standards. There are countries, such as China and India, which have managed globalization well and have found ways to make it work.

This illuminating documentary - featuring one of the great minds of the twentieth century - is ultimately a message of hope. Governments who are aware of the potential dangers of unfettered markets, environmental degradation and the limits to free trade can choose a path that works for them and that will ultimately benefit hundreds of millions of people around the world. >

2/ The impact of inequality on societies is now increasingly well understood - higher crime, health problems and mental illness, lower educational achievements, social cohesion and life expectancy. But what are the causes of inequality, why is it growing so rapidly, and how is it affecting the economy?

These are the questions Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, professor at Columbia University, will discuss in a presentation of his latest book, The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future. In this talk, Stiglitz will discuss how, left to their own devices, markets are neither efficient nor stable, and will tend to accumulate money in the hands of the few. He will also demonstrate how government policies and political institutions, far from countering these trends, often enhance them, and that politics frequently shapes markets in ways that advantage the richest over the rest. This in turn weakens democracy and the rule of law by putting more and more political power in the hands of the wealthy. Beyond these social and political costs, however, inequality has grave consequences for the economy. Moving money from the middle and bottom of society to the top-as has increasingly been happening-stifles entrepreneurship, produces slower growth and lower GDP, and also even destabilizes the economy.

Throughout the course of the evening, Stiglitz will illuminate how the growing inequality in America and many other countries is not only unfair, but also unwise. The talk will also strike a hopeful note, arguing that the current trends are in no way inevitable and he will put forth the concrete set of reforms that he proposes in his book, which would create an economy with less inequality and more growth and opportunity. These are vital issues for an election year in a country that is still struggling to get its battered economy back on track.

The presentation will be followed by a discussion between Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Cohen, director of the New School Graduate Program in International Affairs and Teresa Ghilarducci, Bernard L. and Irene Schwartz Chair in Economic Policy Analysis and director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis at The New School, moderated by New School president David Van Zandt.

The New School, a university in New York City, offers distinguished degree, certificate, and continuing education programs in art and design, liberal arts, management and policy, and the performing arts. >

Bises très chère,
et on s'en reparle
à la place de la Lune,
